GE Gas Power - Building a Digital Supply Chain

GE Power’s Digital Supply Chain Interview

Hear how GE Power has implemented a flexible, web-based approach for secure, effective and traceable collaboration with their supplier partners to drive greater efficiencies, improve product quality, and accelerate new product introduction (NPI).

“With Anark our error rate has gone down to 5% which is much lower than it used to be.”

-Kena Yokoyama, Engineering Manager for Product Definition, GE Gas Power

5 Minute GE Power Interview


GE Power’s Transformation and Solution

See the highlights from an hour-long webinar covering GE Gas Power's digital transformation, supplier collaboration solution, and important lessons learned, including:

  • Stumbling blocks and costs associated with outdated, disconnected supplier collaboration and purchasing processes.
  • How role-specific technical data packages (TDP) support the secure sharing of technical data across the supply chain.
  • Keys to collaboration between OEMs and their suppliers through an entire bid and PO award cycle.
  • How to accelerate supplier-bid cycles, and improve visibility to contract manufacturing work-in-process (WIP) status.

13 Min GE Power Webinar Excerpt 

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