3 Reasons why Anark Collaborate Means Faster Innovation for Manufacturers

Whether you’re looking to sustain your innovative edge to create better-performing products, or disrupt the market with a breakthrough innovation, it’s all about increasing speed without sacrificing quality. Faster innovation happens when manufacturers and their suppliers are making better, faster decisions. Decisions require the exchange of product data and conversations to reach a conclusion. Whether it’s a design decision, sourcing decision, or (contract) manufacturing decision, you need people to exchange ideas, not just data. But for all the digital collaboration systems that have flooded the market, manufacturers still struggle to bring comprehensive product data together with the conversations that drive decisions. You can either talk to each other (email / chat apps), or share non-technical files, or share complex product data. And you are left to make compromises. Collaborate_TN2

Anark Collaborate delivers faster innovation by making product data accessible and actionable across manufacturers and their suppliers. Rich visual product data comes together with file sharing, tracked conversations and markup tools in a single intuitive application. There are 3 reasons why Anark Collaborate means faster innovation for manufacturers:

  1. Secure, mobile-first access means an intuitive, modern experience that everyone can use in a way that puts IP protection first. Imagine the simplicity of email on your mobile device combined with the power of your version-controlled product data management systems.   
  2. Comprehensive product data sharing means everyone is working off the same information. Upload and share a variety of file types with markup and instant chat. Document exchange is easy, but manufacturers require complete and always up-to-date product data (BOM, 3D CAD, PMI, and more). Add in visualization, markup, and guest upload capabilities to deliver a two-way product data exchange.
  3. Trace communication means you can do more of what works, and less of what doesn’t. Email and chat tools are simple, but in order to move faster, manufacturers need to know who said what, and when to make better decisions in real-time, and drive continuous improvement based on what works, and what doesn’t. 

When everyone has secure, barrier-free access to the data they need to do their best work, everyone can innovate faster.

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