The Global Product Data Interoperability Summit (GPDIS)

September 27-30, 2022 Scottsdale, Arizona:


Anark was excited to return to the first in-person GPDIS event in 2 years as a sponsor and presenter in this community that includes our customers Boeing and Northrup Grumman Corporation. This event is executed in conjunction with CIMDATA and PDES Inc., the latter organization having standardized data exchange for almost 30 years with their continuing efforts developing the STEP standards.

Anark reviewed a Technical Data Collaboration Maturity Model that outlines the progression from file-centric to data-centric technical data collaboration. The business and people benefit that accrue as organizations move from ad-hoc, file based, technical data package distribution to the deployment of a modern technical data communication platform are substantial. 

This provides data security, fine-tuned access controls, support for modern web browsers, mobile first strategies, traceable web-based markup and collaboration and can substantially reduce the dependency on files and applications needed to access them. It can source information and communicate with most IT systems while reducing the need for consumers and collaborators to be application domain experts.

Anark will also review the publicly available information on work being done with Boeing and other organizations that have taken advantage of this technical data collaboration platform.

As with all 2022 in-person events Anark has participated in, we are eager to get back to the relationships we have established over many years with this community.

Related Resources:

eBook: The Technical Data Maturity Model 

Blog: The Five Maturity Model Stages

About the Author

James Martin
James is an Engineering and Manufacturing software professional with over 35 years of experience across a wide range of industries and cultures. His background includes engineering process consulting, software development, partner management, strategic account development and technical product marketing in North America, Asia-Pacific and Europe. He's recognized for the ability to identify business and technical requirements, market, sell and manage the development and delivery of profitable engineering software solutions.
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